Empowerment Clubhouse Newsletter!
“Does the Clubhouse deliver? We now have over a half of century of research, with more than fifty studies, demonstrating that Clubhouses reduce unemployment, reduce or delay rehospitalization, and improve health outcomes at a lower cost……… This model is not only the origin of recovery, it could be the future where people, place and purpose become the foundation for mental healthcare”. - Thomas Insel, MD, (Director National Institute for Mental Health 2002-2015 and author of Healing: Our Path From Mental Illness To Mental Health, 2022).
Click below for Newsletters!
Contact Clubhouse for activities
on these major holidays!
May 30th Memorial Day
July 4th -Independence Day
September 5th Labor Day
October 10th – Columbus Day
December 5th Veterans Day
December 25th–Christmas
"The Empowerment Clubhouse is a program supported by the County of Marin Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) using Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funding."